View Scheduled Classes for Real Estate Salesperson Career Training

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Real estate in New Jersey is one of the pillar industries that drives the state’s economy. Thus, becoming a professional realtor demands an increasing level of emphasis on career training and continuing education. Every state requires that anyone engaging professionally in the real estate business, either as a broker or as a salesperson, must be licensed, and in each case, a state examination is a prerequisite for a license.

Real Estate sales person classes offered at Ocean School of Real Estate serve as an educational guide for students and for anyone who wants to take New Jersey’s real estate licensing examination. Our school and instructors should be considered to be a reference for those already in the profession, and for those other professionals dealing with various aspects of real estate.

Salesperson Real Estate Classes and Pre Licensure Training Curriculum

Principles of Real Estate Practice in New Jersey is the textbook used to shape the curriculum for the salesperson classes offered at Ocean School of Real Estate. This book contains the essentials of the national and NJ real estate law, principles, and practices necessary for basic competence as a real estate professional and as mandated by New Jersey license law. It is based on our highly successful and popular national publication, Principles of Real Estate Practice, which is in use in real estate schools nationwide.

The text is tailored to the needs of the pre-license student. It is designed to 

  •   make it easy for students to learn the material and pass their real estate exam
  •   prepare students for numerous career applications
  •   stress practical, rather than theoretical, skills and knowledge.
top new jersey real estate school

Principles of Real Estate Practice in New Jersey is streamlined, direct and to-the-point. It includes multiple learning reinforcements. It has a student-oriented organization, both within each chapter and from chapter to chapter. Its examples and exercises are grounded in the authors’ many years in real estate education. This is a great article if you’re interested in What To Expect From A New Jersey Real Estate Pre-Licensing Course.

Table of Contents Includes:

The Real Estate Business

Rights in Real Estate

Interests and Estates


Encumbrances and Liens

Transferring and Recording Title to Real Estate

Real Estate Leases

Land Use Planning and Control

Contracts for the Sale of Real Estate

Real Estate Market Economics

Appraising and Estimating Market Value

Legal Descriptions

Real Estate Contract Law

Agency Listing Agreements

The Brokerage Business

Real Estate Finance

Real Estate Investment

Real Estate Taxation

Ethics: Laws and Practices


Real Estate Licensing and Regulation

Risk Management

Property Management

The New Jersey Regulatory Environment

New Jersey Brokerage Regulations

New Jersey Agency and Business Practices

New Jersey Real Estate Contracts

New Jersey Housing Regulations

Other New Jersey Laws and Practices

Glossary of Residential Style and Construction Terms

Glossary of General Real Estate Terms


Additional Resources